
serve his country أمثلة على


  1. He served his country well and took care of his friends.
    .... لقد خدم بلده جيداً واهتم باصدقائه
  2. What kind of man has already served his country
    أي نوع من الرجال بالفعل خدم بلاده
  3. Him serving his country in the union army, same as I did.
    , هو يخدم بلاده في جيش الأتحاد كما فعلت أنا
  4. Secretary Rittenhouse served his country with full devotion.
    الوزير (رايتنهاوس) خدم بلاده بإخلاص
  5. Chuck Bartowski has served his country with honor.
    خدم (تشاك بارتاوسكي) وطنه بشرف
  6. المزيد من الجملة   التالية
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